Who Invented YouTube?

 You know what YouTube? Every single cell phone inbuild app is YouTube and every single person uses to watch videos and also provides videos to the peoples. 

YouTube is the big search engine after Google. After googling people YouTube is also a big search engine because it is available every single content with practical so that's why more people take help from YouTube. 

Every single topic-related information available here like Blogging, SEO, banking, How to make money, technology, technical, products reviews all type content available here. 

So in this article talking about Who invented YouTube? This is a person who is like a superman because YouTube is more popular for the help station. Many people only coming on YouTube to taking the best help. Even I also doubt Google and then search YouTube. 

So without wasting your time let's get started who invented YouTube? 

Who Invented YouTube? 

Who Invented YouTube?

Who is YouTube Invented? More people is an old thing but some people don't know who it invented and that's why this article I made for you so read it. 

Paypal's three former employees name Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, Jawed Karim you can see the three PayPal former employees who invented YouTube. YouTube is not an easy thing. 

So now talking about when invented YouTube, In a year in 2005 in San Bruno California, USA 

What is YouTube? 

Youtube is an Online and free video-sharing platform. There you can watch free more helpful, educational, Technical, Love, and relationship, etc. more videos you can watch free. 

Not only you can watch videos free, also you can also upload your educational, information videos you also upload here if your performance is very good you can earn money from YouTube. 

This platform started PayPal's three employees in 2005. He started it in America. 

Here in this YouTube, you can comment on videos,  also you can share any videos anywhere or also you increase subscribers and earn money facility provide by YouTube. If you have any niche skills immediately open your YouTube channel and start uploading your videos and make money from YouTube. 

When YouTube Invented, Date and Year? 

YouTube Invented Date- 14 February ( Also Valentine day)

Invented Year- 2005

Invented Place- In America San Bruno California 

Who is YouTube's CEO? 

Now this time YouTube SEO is Susan Wojcicki. If talking about income is 15 Billion annually in a year. He has officially revealed information by Google on the date of 3 February 2020. 

The dispute in the Name of YouTube? 

You think big companies without controversy how can successful results so also for YouTube has also a big controversy with the name. There is a purchased domain by YouTube utube.com

There is the owner of utube universal tube roll form equipment filed a lawsuit on YouTube, because when people visiting utube.com because of a spelling mistake. 

After overloading utube owner changes their domain utubeonline.com. 

Who Bought YouTube and for what price?

Who Bought YouTube- Google (In the Year 2006) 

For What Price?- $1.65 Billion to its founder 

Then it's working as a subsidiary of the Google company. 

How to make money from YouTube? 

After your increase in subscribers and viewers. If your subscribers 1K and watch time 4000 so your channel is monetized after that you can earn money from YouTube by Google Adsense. 

Why YouTube is popular?

You know already why YouTube is popular, Because if we have an issue with our study related to Home so immediately we search questions on YouTube. Not only the educational also when our mood totally changed and when search funny videos and watch. 

Any videos get here on YouTube easily and easy to watch in just one click and there is no need for any money and all that just one click and free to watch. If you watching movies on YouTube so this platform takes charge to watch movies. 

If you're also a YouTube video creator and your channel has better content so you also become a full-time YouTuber. More YouTubers earn more money in just a month if you also a creators think about that and choose your carrier. 

Whose video was the first on youtube?

In this YouTube who's videos was the first on YouTube. So there is the first video upload on YouTube uploaded by the co-founder of YouTube, Jawed Kareen, on the date of 23 April 2005 and the name of the videos is me at the Zoo. These videos also watch nowadays too. 

How long is the longest video on YouTube? 

The name of that particular all-time longest video on YouTube, Now the all-time big longest video of YouTube "the longest video on YouTube. This video is too long. How long- 596 Hours 31 Minutes and 21 seconds. 

If you want to watch this video so this video takes 25 days completely, almost 1 Month. 


This article talks about Who invented YouTube?, What is YouTube?, When YouTube Invented, Date and Year?, Who is YouTube's CEO?, The dispute in the Name of YouTube?, Who Bought YouTube, and for what price? How to make money from YouTube? Why YouTube is popular?, Whose video was the first on youtube?, How long is the longest video on YouTube? All questions are clear in this article. 

Hope so this article is you people get helpful and informative, Please share the article with your people. 

Keywords- Who invented YouTube?, What is YouTube?, When YouTube Invented, Date and Year?, Who is YouTube's CEO?, The dispute in the Name of YouTube?, Who Bought YouTube, and for what price? How to make money from YouTube? Why YouTube is popular?, Whose video was the first on youtube?, How long is the longest video on YouTube?

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